As a child I always had a pencil or crayon in my hand. I remember spending countless hours so wrapped up in a project that I would loose track of the world around me.
I started my college education as an art major but was encouraged by my family to become a teacher. Being the good child, I obeyed and abandoned my first passion. I turned my creative expressions toward teaching Special Education Students. I dedicated thirty-five years to my students. I furthered my education and received a MED; Master’s in Education in Curriculum & Instruction.
Retired since 2010, I am experiencing a rebirth, a sense of renewal.
I am a member of NAPP, PPA- Professional Photographers of America, Photographic Arts Society of Joliet, Morton Arboretum Photographic Society and Viewfinders Club.
During this specific time in my life, I enjoy combining two of my most favorite creative outlets: photography and painting. I am invigorated by the world around me. My motivation is to express or evoke a feeling, tell a story, make a connection between my creations and the viewer: To create Fine Art Photography with an Artistic twist.
© Christine Foley Photography